Saturday, March 16, 2019

THE BUSHWHACKER plus THE RAVAGER: An Adult Color Spectacular HD double bill from AMERICAN ARCANA & SWV

"Joe was obsessed with one destroy.people." Joe Salkow (Pierre Agostino THE LAS VEGAS SERIAL KILLER) is way beyond a victim of PTSD in THE RAVAGER. He doesn't just kill lovers lane lingerers, he blasts them to kingdom come with his skills as an Nam demolitions expert. This 1970  Charles Nizet sickie-roughie has a distinct Eurocult vibe to it, plus a Eurotrash back-story I'll cover in my CINEMADROME review. If you're into extreme, over the edge, deep cult stuff, this is your movie. And, on the new American Arcana BD, you also get Byron Mabe's  1968 desert nudie-roughie THE BUSHWHACKER, which also has a Eurocult detour. 

Roughies don't get any rougher than these. Both feature desperate killers on a mission of terror in remote desert locations.. They both anticipate the horror-slashers of the 70s, such as THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT and Mario Bava's BAY OF BLOOD  Call them sick, call them vile, call them Art,  but you can't call them dull. A demented double bill which John Waters would love! This may be the sleaziest, most disturbing, most politically incorrect double bill in the history of Cult Movies, and you're also going to love it. The Mad Doctor of Cult Movies couldn't be more pleased with American Arcana and SWV.

American Arcana is an offshoot of the revered MONDO MACABRO label and they have chosen their debut well. Two HD transfers of a pair of desert-set sexploitation, softcore sex, non-stop nudity, torture, rape, necrophilia, cannibalism. It's all on display here. Both uncut, 2K scans from vintage 35mm SWV archive prints. Plus a 12 page booklet, penned by Cinema Sewer's Robin Bougie, Lobby Card reproductions, lurid double sided covers, original trailers. We'll be going into more detail on the set soon~!

Red Case Limited Edition includes: 
Reversible cover, both sides unique to this release
Booklet with brand new essay on THE RAVAGER by Cinema Sewer's Robin Bougie
Postcards reproducing rare ad art for both films
Region free
1080p presentation of both film taken from 2K scans of rare 35mm prints
Missing gore scene(in SD) from THE BUSHWHACKER reinstated, making this the most complete version of this film ever presented on video
Trailers for both films
A selection of trailers from the SWV Vaults

{C} Robert Monell, 2019